Olympians at play

“A return to my childhood love and fascination of Greek and Norse mythology. Here the messenger of the gods, Hermes and fleet-footed Artemis, goddess of the hunt race across the golden sea near Mount Olympus. This image was created in under 2 days from start to finish. It just went right for me this time!”


Technical aspects: In Poser I used DAZ3D’s Michael 2.0 to create the Hermes, and DAZ3D’s Victoria 2 was the basis for Artemis. Hermes’ helmet and winged sandles were created with Rhino3D. Artemis’ hair was DAZ3D’s Changing Ponytail Collection. They were both clothed with the Olympian tunic from DAZ3D.

The figures were then imported into Bryce 5.01 and a custom sky and golden sea were created to get the right effect. Four spotlights were carefully placed to light the figures from the front as the sun was already backlighting the figures.

The final render was then brought into Corel Photopaint 10 and the joints and bad tunic folds fixed. Artemis’ hair was teased out with a new toy – a Wacom Intuos2 tablet. Selected areas were given a motion blur effect and the sea given a separate Zoom blur to give an impression of speed.

Worlds in the Making