Spoken for (Page 1)
“Ironic?…Perhaps, but that wall that hurts you, wounds me too.
The anger and hurt you show reveals only misunderstanding.
The mask I wear hides fear behind its remoteness,
but its the fear you see, isn’t it? And its the fear you hate!
See a universe that’s yours – yours to create and destroy at will.
See the people, the creatures of that universe.
You know what they feel, for you are one flesh!
Utopia… Do you see?
I belong to that universe, possessed and seduced by the reality,
but bound eternally in limbo, denizen of neither this world nor my own…
An End…
Technical aspects: This cartoon is the most personal and intense work that I have ever done. Created as a “farewell letter” to a partner in a broken romantic partnership, I teetered on the brink of suicide through most of its creation. (I even signed myself as “Incubus” on the piece) Life and the emotional trauma that I was going through was to intense for me to handle and it seemed nobody on this Earth understood what was going on inside of me. When I finished it at last, I felt strangely relieved as if release had come through putting pen to paper. I remember that time with both fear and wonder. (Page 1)