Sekhmet – The Eye of Ra

Sekhmet – The Eye of Ra

“The Eye of Ra: The destruction of Mankind: “There came a time when the men of the World thought that Ra was getting too old and feeble to lead them and they plotted to overthrow Him. Ra learned of this plot, and grew angry with humans. In this anger He...
Father’s gone

Father’s gone

“Set in medieval times, a young nubile girl opens the door to her lowly cottage to the knock of her suitor. It is safe for him to enter, now her father has gone. She is eager for her suitor’s touch, unaware of the intoxicating effect her body and budding...
Olympians at play

Olympians at play

“A return to my childhood love and fascination of Greek and Norse mythology. Here the messenger of the gods, Hermes and fleet-footed Artemis, goddess of the hunt race across the golden sea near Mount Olympus. This image was created in under 2 days from start to...
Helen of Troy – The Second Act

Helen of Troy – The Second Act

Homer’s “Iliad and Odyssey” have always been one of my favorite stories from my childhood. The character of Helen of Troy has always fascinated me. Hollywood prefers blondes, but neither Helen Kruger or Sienna Guillory did it for me. Anne Hathaway...
Heed not Cassandra

Heed not Cassandra

“Another image based on the character of Helen of Troy from Homer’s “Iliad and Odyssey” The title refers to Cassandra, the most beautiful of the daughters of Priam, the king Troy. She foresaw the danger posed by the Trojan horse and Helen of...
Worlds in the Making